"Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well." -1 Peter 4:10
How do you rate or measure your service for the Lord?
For some time I have set certain "spiritual markers" that I believed were indicators of my service. If I met certain criteria then my actions were godly and valuable to His Kingdom. If I led a worship service in such a way as to engage and draw others into the presence of God then I had done well. Or, if I had spoken a word from the pulpit that challenge listeners to a deeper walk, then I had honored the Lord. While leading worship and speaking are valid expressions of one's faith in the Lord, what happens when you no longer have such opportunities to express or serve the Lord? What happens when those spiritual "acts of worship" are removed?
Leading worship and speaking are a couple of the gifts the Lord has blessed me with. But, He has entrusted me with so much more. I love the opportunities I have to use those gifts but what about all the other things He has entrusted into my hands? What about my children. Of all the people in the world, God has given me 3 beautiful children who are very much shaped by the words and actions of their father. Do I take advantage of this? Do I teach them about Christ not only through my words but through my actions toward them and toward those around me? How is my service to the Lord in relation to my children? I have been blessed with a wonderful wife. Do I honor her? Is she drawn closer to the Lord because of my walk with Him? God has blessed me with a home to live in. Do I use it to bless others through acts of hospitality? How about the knowledge I have? God has, in the past, blessed me with the opportunity to learn and work in the computer industry. I have gained knowledge about computers that exceeds the general population. Do I use this knowledge to bless others?
I don't know about You, but I often neglect many of these things the Lord has entrusted into my hands. I have neglected them, all the while frustrated that I didn't have more opportunities to serve God in bigger ways. Forgive me, Lord!
Father, help me to take advantage of everything You have given me and use it for Your glory!